
Orlagh-in-the-City is an evolving, inclusive and welcoming Christian Community.

In coming together we share our life experience and hear, reflect and are nourished by a deeper understanding of the Word of God and Eucharist and so we encounter one another in love and joy.

This experience empowers us to live the Gospel in daily life and in the times in which we live.

We Gather

We come together as a faith community in many ways, through a WhatsApp group, through eMail, through different activities in small groups, but predominantly, we gather to share Eucharist at the weekend and at other key moments in the church year.

See here for details of how and where we gather, both in-person and on-line.

We Share

At the Sunday gathering we actively meet and greet one another. We have numerous people involved in managing the space to ensure we have an environment that is welcoming and inclusive of all.
Here we encounter the living presence of our God through the encounter with each other and through breaking open the Word and sharing Eucharist.

See here for detail on how we break open the Word within our liturgies.

We Socialise

The ‘cup of tea’ after our liturgy is an integral part of the liturgy, allowing us to be together in person and to catch up with each other in our daily lives.

We Live

A key part of living the Gospel is to have an openness to the needs of those with whom we share this world. We have a number of projects where we, as a community, engage with those who are in need.

See here for detail on some of those projects or initiatives.

Looking at Life Through the Lens of the Gospel

Each week we provide a set of notes to aid in reflecting on the Gospel of the forthcoming Sunday.

Click on the one below that you wish to access.

Second Sunday of Lent

These are the notes prepared by John and Bernadette for the[…]

First Sunday of Lent

These are the notes prepared by John and Bernadette for the[…]

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

These are the notes prepared by John and Bernadette for the[…]

Why not ‘come and see’

If you would like more detail or would like to come along and see what takes place, feel free to just drop in on any Sunday or complete our contact form and we will get in touch with you as soon as we can.