We gather, as a community of faith, both in person and on-line each Sunday at 10:30am.
Our intention in gathering
- is to remember Jesus and how he lived (trusting God and compassionate to the needy)
- is to remember that we are called to follow him
- is to remember and give thanks for his promise to be with us until the end of time, and
- is to draw life from Jesus as he draws life from God (cf Jn 6.57)
Where we gather
In person
Come to St. Benildus Pastoral Centre, Benildus House,
160A Kilmacud Road Upper, Dublin 14. D14 N778
Find us on Google Maps
On-line (These links open at 10:15am)
Zoom: Meeting ID: 813 3747 7423 with Passcode: benildus
Or click here for a direct link to the Zoom call.
Joining us on Zoom means that you can take part more fully in the liturgy and be part of a lectio group during our time of reflection on the scripture readings.
Join us on our YouTube channel
All are welcome to take part in our liturgies. Have a look at some of our past liturgies to get a flavour of what takes place. You will find them here.
While we are a small community we do encourage all to be involved in the liturgies in as far as they feel comfortable to do so. Some of the ways we keep involved are through our Service Groups.
The Sacristy Group prepares the space for the liturgy and ensures there are sufficient supplies for the coming weeks and so on.
The Doorkeepers meet and greet those who arrive. They endeavour to see that new people know where to go and feel included.
The IT group look after the streaming of the liturgy both into Zoom and on YouTube.
The catering group provide the cup of tea or coffee and biscuits in the common room after the liturgy where we gather and share after the structured part of the liturgy.
The co-presider of the liturgy. While not a distinct group, each week one person will support the presider in preparing and presenting the liturgy.
All of these elements come together to provide an enriching encounter with the living prsesence of God, nurturing us and giving us the energy to continue on our way.