Daily Inspirational Messages
The following are websites that offer daily inspirational messages directly to your inbox.

Center for Action and COntemplation
The Daily Meditations are email reflections featuring Richard Rohr and the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) faculty, as well as guest teachers and authors, reflecting on the wisdom and practices of the Christian contemplative tradition.

World center for christina meditation
The WCCM is a global spiritual community united in the practice of meditation in the Christian tradition. Its international centre is Bonnevaux – an ancient monastic site now dedicated to global peace and dialogue around the daily practice of meditation.

network for grateful living
Grateful Living supports your daily life during challenging and joyful times with programs, resources, and skills for being more fully alive. As a diverse community, the Network for Grateful Living are seekers of a meaningful life.

matthew fox creation spirituality
CS is about recovering nature and all of creation as sacred again. It reaches back to the earliest humans who were struck with the awe of their existence in the midst of the awe of nature and it is found in the earliest writer of the Hebrew Bible.
CS holds up the archetype of the Cosmic Christ (or Buddha Nature or Image of God) as a symbol of the sacredness of all things, micro and macro.

the enneagram institute
At its core, the Enneagram helps us to see ourselves at a deeper, more objective level and can be of invaluable assistance on our path to self-knowledge.
The Enneagram Institute® offers a daily ‘enneathought’ for those exploring this path.

henri nouwen society
Henri Nouwen was a Dutch-born Catholic priest, professor, psychologist and prolific writer.
A master communicator, Nouwen wrote and spoke with great openness and vulnerability about faith, spiritual formation, prayer, social justice, and other themes related to the spiritual life.
The society issues daily prompts to aid in meditation.